Upcoming Events

July 6, 10:30-12:30

The West End Centre
Aldershot, UK

Physical Theatre, Movement and Improvisation

The session is designed to build trust, mutual respect and well-being. Through physical exploration, games and exercises, we will develop the skills of looking, listening and responding. You will work in pairs and as a group, practising moving and using our voices together. Focusing on staying in the “here and now”, the physical work might challenge you physically but will always remain playful and spontaneous.

A response from Judita’s past participant: “There is no judgement or competition in Judita’s session; we come together to move and express and share in a safe and caring environment. As a newcomer to physical theatre and with no idea what to expect, Judita’s gentle mentoring style has moved me from fixating on how I ‘look’ to a place where I now embrace how I ‘feel’ when I move.”


Past Work